考研幫 > 英語 > 復(fù)習(xí)經(jīng)驗






  1. 動詞:用在decide, decree, demand, insist, move, order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest, vote等動詞后的從句中。

  The teacher ordered that all the books be sent to the office. 老師命令到所有書本要送到辦公室。

  She insisted that she go to the south in the summer vacation. 她堅持暑假去南方。

  We propose that Li Hua take the chair. 我們建議李華當(dāng)主席。

  2. 形容詞:用在advisable, appropriate, desirable, essential, fitting, imperative, important, important, possible, necessary等形容詞后的從句中:

  It is essential that we be healthy. 我們的健康很重要。

  It is advisable that these regulations be abolished. 取消這些規(guī)則的說法是可行的。

  It is necessary that we study English well. 我們將英語學(xué)好很必要。

  3. 名詞:用在decision,decree, demand, instruction, order, requirement等名詞后的從句中:

  Our teacher gives us an instruction that all the homework be done like that. 老師告訴我們所有作業(yè)都要那樣做。

  He gives me advice that I do the homework first. 他建議我先做家庭作業(yè)。

  The demand that all students stand there isn’t proper. 讓學(xué)生站那兒的要求是不合理的。

  注意:以上的用法均可以與“should+動詞原形”和“to do”形式替換運用。如:

  The teacher ordered that all the books be sent to the office.

  =The teacher ordered that all the books should be sent to the office.

  =The teacher ordered all the books to be sent to the office.


  If, though, whatever, lest, so long as等引導(dǎo)的分句,表示推測、讓步、防備等含義。

  If the man be found guilty, he shall have the right of appeal. 若是被發(fā)現(xiàn)有罪,這個男的將有申訴權(quán)。

  Whether she be right or wrong, she will have our unswerving support. 不管她對錯與否,我們都一如既往地支持她。



  God bless you! 上帝保佑!

  So be it. 就這樣吧!但愿如此。

  Suffice it to say that …只需要說 …就夠了。

  Far be it from  …遠(yuǎn)不 …

  Home is home, be it ever so homely. 家就是家,不管它是多么平凡。




  1. It is time that ...

  It is time that children got up. 孩子們該起床了。

  It is high time you left for Beijing. 你該離開去北京了。

  2. I would rather...

  I would rather you had left yesterday. 我寧愿你昨天就離開了。

  Frankly, I would rather he was absent. 坦白講,我寧愿他沒在場。

  3. If only...

  If only I had enough money. 要是我有足夠的錢就好了。

  If only I had listened to my mother’s advice. 我要是之前聽從媽媽的建議就好了。

  4. as if/ though...

  She ordered me as if she was my boss. 她支使我,好像是我老板似的。

  She looked at me as though I was a monster. 她像看只怪物似的看著我。

  5. I wish that...

  I wish that I were a bird. 我希望自己是一只小鳥。

  I wish that I hadn’t said that. 我真希望自己沒那么說過。


  1. 用于條件句:

  If I were you, I would not take part in this activity. 如果我是你,我不會參加這個活動。

  If you should lend me the money, I should be much obliged. 如果你把這錢借給我,我會感激不盡的。

  2. 用于含蓄條件句:

  But for your help, I couldn’t finish the task.沒有你的幫助,我就完成不了這項任務(wù)。

  He who should violate the law would be punished. 違反法律的人,都要受到懲罰。

  3. 其他語境:

  I was shocked that she should forget me so quickly. 我很震驚,她竟然這么快就忘記我了。

  因此,由上可知,如果該句敘述內(nèi)容與事實相反,或有假設(shè)意義,且出現(xiàn)以上如“it is time that...”結(jié)構(gòu)時,需要用動詞的過去時或情態(tài)助動詞的過去時來表示。









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