考研幫 > 英語 > 復習經驗





  1. be determined by 由…所決定; 2. have something to do with 與…有關; 3. be central to sth. 是…的核心;4. in contrast/by contrast與此相反;5. be due to 由于(常做表語);6. be deprived of 被剝奪;7. respond to 對…作出反應;8. as the basis of 依據(jù)/根據(jù);9. be born with 天生具有;10. In contrast 相比之下


  11. shut off 關上,停止,切斷;12. in any case=at any rate 不管怎樣,無論如何; in no case 決不;13. or so 大概,大約;14. at the rate of 以…的速率;15. take time 花費時間;16. be likely to 可能;傾向于;17. result in 導致;18. not nearly 遠不能;遠非;19. head into走向;陷入(危機);20. in the matter of 關于;就…而言;21. make…possible 使…成為可能;22. combine…with 把……和…結合起來;加上;23. in the fashion of 以…方式;24. such…as 像…一樣


  25. refer to…提到;談到;26. agreement on 一致意見;27. be comparable to 和…相當;猶如;28. in terms of 根據(jù);按照;在…方面;29. on the whole 總體來說;大體上看;30. draw a conclusion 得出結論;31. have the attitude towards 對…的態(tài)度;32. only if 只要;33. the same…as 與…一樣;34. by lack of=for lack of 因為缺乏


  35. nothing but 只不過是;36. by means of 通過;借助于;37. by the help of 通過…的幫助;38. in a sort of sense 從某種意義上來說;39. manage to do sth. 設法做到;40. extract …from 從……提煉出;41. out of…起源;來源;根據(jù);42. build up 建立;樹立;43. by no means 絕不;44. be compared with 與……相比;45. a sort of 某種;46. set…… in motion開始;;47. differ in…在…方面不同;48. go through 經歷;經受;仔細檢查;49. in the one case =on the one hand;50. in the course of the day=during the day;51. a train of=a series of=an array of=a variety of


  52. revolve around 圍繞…轉; 以…為中心;53. not so much…as 與其說…不如說…;54. because of 由于;55. move forward 向前發(fā)展;56. in short 簡而言之;總之;57. as we call it 我們所謂的;58. the reach of science 科學能夠到達的范圍;59. a series of 一系列;60. over the years 多年以來;61. turn…on…轉向,朝向;62. rather than 而不是;63. at the expense of=at the cost of 以…為代價;64. vice versa反之亦然;65. depend on 取決于;66. driving force 驅動力


  67. social inequality 社會不公;68. in doing sth 在…過程中;69. divert…from 把…從…轉移;70. lie with 取決于;在于;71. be validated by 被…驗證/證實;72. whether…or 是……還是;73. depend upon…and on 取決于…還取決于…;74. depend upon…and upon 取決于…還取決于…;75. such…as 例如,象這種的;76. in general 通常;大體上;一般而言;77. for example 比如;78. compensate for 補償;賠償;79. underprivileged youngster 貧困的/下層社會的年輕人;80. grow up 長大;81. under…circumstances 在…環(huán)境下


  82. be results of 由于…;83. social needs 社會需求;84. to some extent 在一定程度上;85. come to the conclusion 得出結論;86. make demand of 對…提出要求;87. scientific establishment 科研機構;88. in detail 詳細地;89. a certain amount of 一定數(shù)量的;90. not related to… 與…沒有關系;91. immediate goals 當前目標;92. be unable to do 不能夠…;93. in principle 原則上;基本上;一般而言;94. deal with 應付;解決;處理;95. new forms of thought 新的思維方式;96. as well as 和;97. new subjects for thought 新的思維對象/內容;98. in the past 過去;99. give rise to sth 導致;引起;使…產生


  100. scoial contract 社會合同;101. an agreed account of 共識;102. human rights 人權;103. leads ……to 導致;104. at the outset 從一開始,開始的時候;105. invite sb. to do sth. 使某人認為;106. duties and entitlements 權利和義務;107. extend to 給與;108. no…at all. 根本不是;109. arguing from the view that…以…的角度看;110. different from…… 與…不同;111. in every relevant respect 在所有相關的方面;112. in action 起作用;113. laugh at 嘲笑


  114. even more important 更重要的是;115. be able to 能夠;116. look into 洞察;觀察;117. put forward 放出;拿出;提出;118. work with 與…共事/合作;起作用;119. close in on 接近,差不多;120. as expected 正如預期的;121. a refinement of 一種更為完美的


  122. as…as… 和…一樣;123. conform to 符合;遵照;124. see…as 把…看作;125. less…and more 與其說…不如說…;126. intellectual discipline 知識學科;127. whether…or 是…還是…;128. refer to 指代…;129. peculiar to …特有的;130. appropriate to 適合的;恰當?shù)模?31. apply to 適合于;存在于;132. view…as 把…看成;把…當成;133. equate…with 把…等同于…;認為…是


  134. speclialized scientists 專家;135. centralized control 中央控制;136. under…conditions在…條件下;137. such as 比如;138. it is obvious that 很明顯…;139. be bound up with與…聯(lián)系在一起;與…有關系;140. be directly bound up with 與…直接相關;141. in turn 依此;輪流;又;142. rest upon…取決于;143. of all kinds 所有種類的…;144. owing to 由于;145. be exposed to sth. 暴露于;接觸到;146. be forced to do sth. 被迫做…;147. for the reasons given above 由于上述原因;148. far-reaching 意義深遠的;影響很大的;149. spread over 遍布;覆蓋;150. arise from 由…產生的;由…帶來的;151. migration movement 人口流動;152. modern means of transport 現(xiàn)代交通手段;153. population explosion 人口爆炸


  154. pollution monitor 污染監(jiān)測器;155. digital age 數(shù)字時代;156. be regarded as…被當成是;157. piece together 拼合;匯聚;綜合158. hundreds of 數(shù)以百計的;159. around the world 全世界;160. key breakthroughs and discoveries 重大突破與發(fā)現(xiàn);161. take place 發(fā)生;162. point out 指出;163. lead to 導致;164. home appliances 家用電器;165. result in 導致;166. man-machine integration 人機一體化


  167. behavior science 行為科學;168. human nature 人性;169. natural selction 自然選擇;170. a little more than a hundred yeras 一百多年:171. what is called 所謂的;172. trace…to… 從…尋找根源;從…研究;173. state of mind 心態(tài);174. and so on諸如此類;175. partly because…and partly because…部分是因為…部分是因為…;176. be held responsible for…被認為應該對…負責;177. be given credit for… 為…受到稱贊;178. with it 隨之


  179. cross-cultrual perspective 跨文化的角度;180. concrete research 具體研究;181. subject…to…使…服從于;182. in… manner 以…方式;用…方法;183. seek to 力圖;試圖;設法;184. combined with 加上;連同;185. bring to 加進;使用;采用;186. define…as… 把…定義為;187. makes…possible 使…成為可能


  188. language and thought 語言和思維;189. have some connections with…與…有聯(lián)系;;190. take root 生根;被牢固樹立;191. be obliged to sb. 感激某人;192. die out 滅絕;193. so…that… 如此…以至于;194. accuse sb. of… 指責某人干某事;195. be interested in doing sth. 對…感興趣;196. come to 開始;逐漸;進而;197. believe in 相信;198. a sort of某種的;199. habitual thought 習慣思維;200. grammatical pattern 語法結構


  201. publishing houses 出版社;202. as elsewhere 像其他地方一樣;203. bring together 使聯(lián)合;使團結;204. in relation to 有關;205. one another/each other 互相;206. out of… 在…當中;207. make up 組成;208. no less than 多達;不少于;209. take a loss 虧損;210. deal with 對付;處理;211. on such a scale 如此規(guī)模的;212. it is no exaggeration to say…毫不夸張地說;213. the connecting fabric of the Old Continent 歐洲大陸的聯(lián)系網(wǎng)絡/把歐洲大陸連成一個整體


  214. define…as… 把…定義為;215. elect…as 把…當作;216. be analogous to… 與…類似;與…相似;216. contribute to… 有助于;217. be charged with…承擔…;負責…;218. dedicate…to…把…獻給…;把…用于…;219. make reflections on…對…進行思考;220. rules of conduct 行為準則;221. moral code 道德標準;223. moral judgments 道德判斷;224. not…any but=noting but;225. more than 不只是

  ?2007 年:

  226. special preserve 特殊權利;227. intellectual equipment 知識才能;228. everyday realities 日?,F(xiàn)實;229. on a daily basis 每天;230. established conventions and special responsibilities 已有傳統(tǒng)和特殊責任;231. a clear grasp/command of… 對…的清晰領會;232. leagal learning 法律學習;234. link…to 把…同…聯(lián)系起來;235. be parallel to 類似于;236. on a daily basis 每天;237. established conventions 既定慣例


  238. enable…to… 使…。能夠;239. be superior to 優(yōu)于; be inferior to 劣于;240. succeed with 在方面取得成功;241. well-founded 有說服力的;242. no power of reasoning 推理能力;243. the common run of men 普通人;244. moral character 道德品質;245. be injurious to 對…有害









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