考研幫 > 英語 > 復習經(jīng)驗


  摘要:今天給大家的考研英語雙語材料是Ancient Greek Myths 古希臘神話。忘憂樹這種神奇的植物,魔力極大,誰只要吃了它,就會忘記往事,而陷入恍恍惚惚的昏睡狀態(tài)。


  On the tenth day after leaving Troy,Odysseus and his men came to an island,where the people only took lotus fruit and flowers as their food.This plant had such a magic effect on its eaters that it could make them forget their past and produce a dreamy laziness over them.When Odysseus' men arrived,they were kindly invited by the people on the is land to eat the sweet food.Its magic power began to work on the mimmediately.They fell into a deep daydream.They lost all wishes for future,To them the sea and ship appeared dull and hateful.And they were not eager to see wife,child and kingdom.When he saw no trace of his men coming back,Odysseus became suspicious.He set out with some well armed men to find out the truth.It did not take him long to find out the magic effect of the food.Not allowing his followers to touch the plant,he ordered them to drag their lazy friends back to their ship.There he had them tied to the benches until they slept off the harmful effect of the lotus .Without hesitation they set sail,leaving the dreamy lotuseaters behind.

  離開特洛伊城的第10天,奧德修斯和他的隨從來到了一個島上。島上的居民只以忘憂樹的果實和花為食物。這種神奇的植物,魔力極大,誰只要吃了它,就會忘記往事,而陷入恍恍惚惚的昏睡狀態(tài)。當奧德修斯的隨從到達時,島上居民友好地邀請他們吃這種甜美的食物?;ü哪Яα⒓丛谒麄兩砩掀鹱饔?,使他們陷入了深沉的昏睡狀態(tài)。他們失去了對未來的希望。海和船在他們看來無聊而可惡。他們也不再急于見到妻兒和王國。奧德修斯見不到隨從返回的跡象,就頓生疑心。他和一些全副武裝的隨從出發(fā)了。他們要去查出事情的真相。不久,他就發(fā)現(xiàn)了那種食物神奇的魔力。他不許隨從碰這種植物,并發(fā)出命令:把那些懶倦的伙伴拖回船上;并把他們捆在凳子上。直到他們睡夠了,才解除了忘憂樹有害的魔力。他們毫不猶豫地揚帆起程,離開因吃忘憂樹上花果而昏睡的島上居民向前駛?cè)ァ?br />








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