考研幫 > 英語 > 考研真題解析


  Part B
  In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

  [A]Create a new image of yourself
  [B]Decide if the time is right
  [C]Have confidence in yourself
  [D]Understand the context
  [E]Work with professionals
  [F]Know your goals
  [G]Make it efficient

  No matter how formal or informa the work environment,the way you present yourself has an impact. This is especially true in first impressions. According to research from Princeton University,people assess your competence,trustworthiness,and likeability in just a tenth of a second,solely based on the way you look.

  The difference between today’s workplace and the“dress for success” era is that the range of options is so much broader. Norms have evolved and fragmented. In some settings, red sneakers or dress T-shirts can convey status; in others not so much. Plus, whatever image we present is magnified by social-media services like LinkedIn. Chances are, your headshots are seen much more often now than a decade or two ago. Millennials, it seems, face the paradox of being the least formal generation yet the most conscious of style and personal branding. It can be confusing.

  So how do we navigate this? How do we know when to invest in an upgrade? And what’s the best way to pull off one that enhance our goals? Here are some tips;

  As an executive coach, I’ve seen image upgrades be particularly helpful during transitions---when looking for a new job, stepping into a new or more public role, or changing work environments. If you’re in a period of change or just feeling stuck and in a rut, now may be a good time. If you’re not sure, ask for honest feedback from trusted friends, colleagues and professionals. Look for cues about how others perceive you.Maybe there’s no need for an upgrade and that’s OK.

  Get clear on what impact you’re hoping to have. Are you looking to refresh your image or pivot it? For one person, the goal may be to be taken more seriously and enhance their professional image. For another, it may be to be perceived as more approachable, or more modern and stylish. For someone moving from finance to advertising, maybe they want to look more“SoHo”.(It’s OK to use characterizations like that.)

  Look at your work environment like an anthropologist. What are the norms of your environment? What converys status? Who are your most important audiences? How do the people you respect and look up to present themselves? The better you understand the cultural context, the more control you can have over your impact.

  Enlist the support of professionals and share with them your goals and context. Hire a personal stylist, or use the free styling service of a store like J.Crew. Try a hair stylist instead of a barber. Work with a professional photographer instead of your spouse or friend. It’s not as expensive as you might think.

  The point of a style upgrade isn’t to become more vain or to spend more time passing over what to wear. Instead, use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue. Pick a standard work uniform or a few go-to options. Buy all your clothesonce with a stylist instead of shopping alone, one article of clothing at a time.

  41.B Decide if the time is right
  解析:此段第一句話主句里面說“在過渡的階段提升自我形象尤其有用”。第二句和第三、四句分別展開說明,第二句表明:如果你處在變動的時期或者感覺需要變動,那么可能這可能是一個好的時機。 相反,第三、四句話表示:如果不確定的話,就需要得到別人的反饋了。也許無需提升。故整段的意思是說要先確定是否現(xiàn)在是提升自我形象的正確時機。故答案為C選項。

  42.F Know your goals

  43.D Understand the context
  解析:復(fù)現(xiàn)原則,文章多次重復(fù)environment, understand the context 就是要理解你的工作處境。

  44.E Work with professionals
  解析:復(fù)現(xiàn)原則,文章多次重復(fù)professional, work with,就是要與專業(yè)人士一起工作。

  45.G Make it efficient
  解析:此段第二句句首出現(xiàn)instead, 故為轉(zhuǎn)折句。所以從此句獲得中心內(nèi)容。該句講的是“最好是將形象升級用做減少做決定的機會。”緊接著提到“選取一套標準的工作服或幾個其他的選擇。把衣服一下子都買了,而不是一個人購買,或者一次只買一件”。這些提到的都是要有效率。故選G。

  Part C
  Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)

  Mental health is our birthright. (46) We don’t have to learn how to be mentally healthy ;it it built into us that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone. Mental health can’t be learned, only reawakened. It is like the immune system of the body, which under stress or through lack of nutrition or exercise can be weakened, but which never leaves us. When we don't understand the value of mental health and we don't know how to gain access to it, mental health will remain hidden from us. (47) Our mental health doesn’t really go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant.

  Mental health is the seed that contains self-esteem - confidence in ourselves and an ability to trust in our common sense. It allows us to have perspective on our lives - the ability to not take ourselves too seriously, to laugh at ourselves, to see the bigger picture, and to see that things will work out. It’s a form of innate or unlearned optimism. (48) Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles ,with kindness if they are in pain,and with unconditional love no matter who they are. Mental health is the source of creativity for soving problems, resolving conflict, making our surroundings more beautiful,managing our home life, or coming up with a creative business idea or invention to make our lives easier. It gives us patience for ourselves and toward others as well as patience while driving,catching a fish,working on our car,or raising a child. It allows us to see the beauty that surrounds us each moment in nature,in culture,in the flow of our daily lives.

  (49)Although mental health is the cure-all for living our lives,it is perfectly ordinary as you will see that it has been there to direct you through all your difficult decisions.It has been available even in the most mundane of life situations to show you right from wrong,good from bad,friend from foe.Mental health has commonly been called conscience,instinct,wisdom,common sense,or the inner voice.We think of it simply as a healthy and helpful flow of intelligent thought .(50) As you will come to see ,knowing that mental heath is always available and knowing to trust it allow us to slow down to the moment and live life happily.

  46.We don’t have to learn how to be mentally healthy; it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone.

  [句子結(jié)構(gòu)]分號連接的兩個并列句,第一個并列句主干是 We don’t have to learn ,how引導(dǎo)賓語從句做learn的賓語,第二個并列句主干是it is built into us in the same way,that引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾先行詞way,that定語從句中主干是our bodies know,how引導(dǎo)賓語從句做know的賓語。


  47.Our mental health doesn’t really go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant.

  [句子結(jié)構(gòu)]分號連接的兩個并列句, 第一個并列句主謂結(jié)構(gòu),很簡單,第二個并列句中,like the sun behind a cloud是狀語,but 連接兩個并列分句,包括短語be hidden from 和be capable of. 涉及被動語態(tài)的翻譯方法。

  [參考譯文]我們的心理健康并不是真的消失不見,就像云朵背后的太陽,它也許暫時被遮擋,但是它也可以在瞬間重?zé)ü饷ⅰ?br />
  48.Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy if they are having troubles, with kindness if they are in pain, and with unconditional love no matter who they are.

  [句子結(jié)構(gòu)]句子主干是 Mental health allows us to view others, 三個并列with 引導(dǎo)的介詞短語做狀語,前兩個with引導(dǎo)的狀語中各包含一個if引導(dǎo)的條件狀從,最后一個with狀語中包含一個no matter 引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語。

  [參考譯文] 心理健康使我們在他人遇到麻煩時給予同情,在他人痛苦時心存善意,而且無論對方是誰都會給予無條件的關(guān)愛。


  [解析]本題有一個由although引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句,as引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,以及that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句構(gòu)成。此處“mental health”若是翻譯成心理健康與下文連接,則不符合中文表達習(xí)慣,又因mental本身與智力相關(guān),所以將其翻譯成“健康的心智”;此外“perfectly ordinary”可以正譯,譯為“非常普遍”,本譯文采取正話反說的方式,譯為“并不稀奇”。再次,“difficult decisions”若翻譯為困難的決定,不符合中文的表達方式,所以將decision,名詞譯為動詞“做決定”。

  50.As you will come to see, knowing that mental health is always available and knowing to trust it allow us slow down to the moment and live life happily.


  [解析]本題由as 引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句組成,并且考察代詞“it”。“see”在此時了解而不是看到的意思,意思和knowing一致,隨意合并翻譯;“available”本意“可得到的”,句中意譯為“一直存在”。






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