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  With Jony Ive’s Successor, Apple Bets a Pragmatist Can Turn Prophet


  In two decades at Apple Inc, Jeff Williams has gone from heading procurement to leading all of the tech giant’s operations.


  Now he has a new responsibility: creating the iconic gadgets that make Apple hum. That will be a critical test for both him and the company, which is in need of a new hit.


  Apple’s chief operating officer since 2015, Mr Williams has long been seen as a possible future CEO. Last week’s announcement that he will take over management of software and hardware design when chief design officer Jony Ive leaves this year—the company’s biggest executive change in years—fueled anticipation that Mr Williams is the heir apparent to Tim Cook.


  Meanwhile, Mr Williams’s ability to identify the right projects and reject the wrong ones, and to push software and industrial designers forward, will go a long way to determining Apple’s success.


  Design has been central to Apple’s formula since Steve Jobs, with help from Mr Ive, revived the company in the 1990s. Putting Mr Williams in charge marks a departure for Apple: Never before has core product creation been directly managed by someone who ascended through the operating ranks—a staid domain of planning, procurement and logistics.


  Apple didn’t make Mr Williams available for this article, but people who have worked with him say he has been more visible in the product-development process than Mr Cook.


  Mr Williams has shown interest in products’ look and feel, they said, and helped steer the Apple Watch from being a fashion- and fitness-focused product tethered to the iPhone to one that boasts wireless connectivity and more health features, one of his priorities.

  他們表示,威廉姆斯對(duì)產(chǎn)品的外觀和感覺(jué)表現(xiàn)出了興趣,并幫助Apple Watch從一個(gè)附屬于iPhone的以健身功能為主的時(shí)尚配件,轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橐豢钪С譄o(wú)線聯(lián)網(wǎng)和更多健康功能的產(chǎn)品,這是他的功績(jī)之一。

  Still, Mr Williams is an operations executive at his core, the people said, and his skills at logistics and planning make him more implementer than inventor.


  “He sees where we are, not where we need to be in years to come,” said a former colleague, who also praised Mr Williams’s leadership, versatility and encyclopedic memory.




  pragmatist  n. 實(shí)用主義者;愛(ài)管閑事的人

  procurement  n. 采購(gòu);獲得,取得

  anticipation  n. 預(yù)料,預(yù)期;預(yù)感;預(yù)支;盼望,希望;先發(fā)制人

  logistic  adj. 后勤的;安排協(xié)調(diào)方面的;組織上的 n. 數(shù)理邏輯;符號(hào)邏輯

  tether  n. 系鏈;拴繩 v. (用繩或鏈)拴住

  versatility  n. 多功能性;多才多藝;用途廣泛

  encyclopedic  adj. 淵博的;知識(shí)廣博的









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